Thinking about your career?

6-11th March marks National Careers Week, an annual event that the college celebrates with the aim to inspire our students in their studies, and in exploring their career options.

With progression discussions taking place in March, this is the ideal time for students to consider and research their options further. Students can email for advice and guidance on their next steps. At Booth Lane students can also drop into the Futures room (E1.01) to speak to one of the team.

On Tuesday 14th March, the Futures team are hosting the college’s annual Careers Fair in the Sports Hall at Booth Lane, between 10am – 1pm. This event is an opportunity for you to engage with a range of employers, training providers and HE providers, which has proven to be extremely beneficial to students in the past as they began to plan their next steps after college.

The following tools can also support students:

Virtual Careers Fair: Join a whole host of careers experts, apprenticeship providers, and unis to help you discover the possibilities for your future. They are ready to help you get started with a whole week of expert live sessions. Welcome – 2022 NCW Virtual Careers Fair

NC Futures SharePoint page: This is a hub of careers information, links and resources on a range of progression areas. Students will have access to this through academic coaches who will be sent an invite to share this with their groups. NC Futures Sharepoint page.

Futures Virtual Jobs Board: Part time opportunities are advertised on the Futures job board.

College Libraries: A reminder that there are careers sections at each library centre with many useful resources for students to explore.

National Careers Service: Students can complete the Skills Assessment to generate some careers ideas, or research job roles Skills assessment | National Careers Service

For any further support with careers please email the Futures team:


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