Last Summer, a Lower Mounts student, Umaira, was completing some English work. In the midst of this she created a character called Thea Saurus!
Once the Library team heard about it, they just knew they needed to run with this idea and introduce the character as a promotional tool across the Library centres! In collaboration with the College's Essential Skills and Art and Design teams, a character profile was created and design brief was designed for a class of Art students to work with - to create a superhero named Thea Saurus who has special reading superpowers! The students sure didn't disappoint and came up with some great designs to bring the brief to life.
Umaira then chose her favourite, a fantastic series of illustrations designed by Alicia Frimpong.
The character will appear on publications and as a free standing cutout around the library with the purpose of introducing both new and refreshed schemes, both educational and directional.
Congratulations to both Umaira and Alicia for your creative efforts! Alicia's winning designs can be seen below. Look out for Thea Saurus who will appear across the Library centres soon!