The Library is pleased to announce the winners of this year's Design a Christmas Card Competition!
This year's standard was so high, and resulted with over 80 entries! Our judge, Deputy Principal, Patrick Leavey has chosen Daisy Pere's design as the winner, which will be used as Northampton College's official Christmas card for this year. Daisy has won a £20 gift card, whilst Gage Bryony Hollis and Libbie Hughes, our runners up, have each won a £10 gift card. Congratulations to all!
Congratulations also go to Alexei Ciornii, Davia Dzirkiene and Karolina Pohila who won Library Choice Awards at Booth Lane, as well as Misty Raffell and Kit Boardman who won Library Choice Awards at Daventry and Lower Mounts respectively. Our Special Award goes to Ionela Borta for her eye-catching and inclusive design. Well done to all and a big thank you to everyone that participated this year!
1st Place
by Daisy Pere
2nd Place
by Gage Bryony Hollis
3rd Place
by Libbie Hughes
Booth Lane Library Choice
by Davia Dzirkiene
Booth Lane Library Choice
by Alexei Ciornii
Booth Lane Library Choice
by Karolina Pohila
Daventry Library Choice
by Misty Raffell
Lower Mounts Library Choice
by Kit Boardman
Special Recognition
by Ionela Borta