Saving to OneDrive
As a student at Northampton College, you have access to a personal cloud storage space through Microsoft OneDrive as part of Microsoft 365.
It is recommended that use Outlook to save any work completed at college. Click on the 'OneDrive - Northampton College' folder when you are saving your work.
Accessing your OneDrive Folder
To access your OneDrive folder from a college computer or laptop, go to File Explorer and click on your OneDrive folder in the navigation pane.
To access your OneDrive folder from a personal device, go to OneDrive.
Sign in with your college email (e.g. and password. From here you can access your files and either work on them online or download them to your computer. You can also upload documents from your computer to OneDrive.
Remember you can download Microsoft Office apps such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint for free.