The Library held its annual awards ceremonies at Booth Lane and Daventry last week.
The ceremonies, now in their twelfth year, aim to highlight achievements by students and staff in Library schemes and competitions as well as showcasing what the Library has to offer.
Both events marked a return to the first physical ceremonies to take place since 2019. Owing to the pandemic, the Library has celebrated the success of students with a number of virtual ceremonies taking place over the last 3 years.
Despite this, the ceremonies have grown more and more and had become not only an important date in the Library’s diary, but also a special date on the college calendar as whole. This year, special guests included local, bestselling author Sue Bentley, College Principal Pat Brennan-Barrett, and Vice Principal, People and Organisational Development, Jan Hutt.
Students were recognised for their progress in Library schemes such as Reading Ahead, Word Detective, Maths Magician, Digital Skills, and Work Experience, whilst certificates and prizes were awarded to the Library's creative competition winners, including the Literary competition, Art and Photography competition, and Creative Writing Contest.
Montages of both ceremonies have been added below. Please contact the Library if you attended the ceremony and would like a copy of your photograph.